are created when ideas inspire a chain of actions channeled towards meeting a specific
need (want or desire as you may know it). In fact a single idea can produce a
vast amount of employment opportunities. It’s my earnest desire to show you how
and I seek your indulgence as I take your through this journey into an awesome discovery.

word Idea seems to have numerous meanings so I feel it will not be inappropriate
to communicate a precise definition. I define Idea as a mental picture of something
- an object, event, or scene, which is being considered as a possibility.
are generated from the mind. The mind has a very broad definition though can be
simply referred to as the faculty of reasoning. However we will be looking at
the mind from an
uncommon perspective.

in the midst of a busy, ever communicating environment, we are all exposed to a
colossal lot of percepts, information, and other forms of inputs that occur so
fast and irregularly that we can’t help but ignore a vast amount – intentionally
receiving just what we ought to out of the whole lot. This instinctive act of scrutiny,
sorting, storing and dissemination, points to a more structured approach which we now refer to as Education.

Obviously this insinuates that the kind of ideas that can be generated from the mind of a medical student is most likely different from those spawned from the mind of an accounting student as they don’t have the same equipment in their mind’s laboratory. This makes them sensitive to dissimilar needs in the same environment.
back to our idea talk. Let’s imagine a fictional but pragmatic scenario of how
an idea leads to job opportunities.

- · Metal-works experts - for the silos and other metal works.
- · Mechanical engineers – for the conveyor systems, design and installation of other mechanical systems.
- · Electrical Engineers – for motors and power supply.
- · Electronic Engineers – for installation and configuration of all required sensors
- · Painters
- · A Construction company – to build the factory structure.
- · A Graphics design Company - packaging materials (on a contract basis).
- · Garri producing firm – (on a contract basis).
- · Sugar producing firm – (on a contract basis).
- · Water supplying firm – (on a contract basis).
- · Onboard Engineers, Lab technicians, Casual workers, Cleaners, Warehouse stewards, and other contractors who will run the factory on a shiftly basis.
me to end this interesting story at this point. Can you perceive how many jobs
created already? You do the maths.
a single idea from Chidinma that gave birth to a couple of others and then a
factory needing the hands of a vast amount of experts was born. Hmm.
you must have observed, specific ideas were spawned from minds that are equipped
with the required knowledge and experience. However, what would have happen if
Dele played truancy in school and only crams the content of his study materials
when exam is just a week ahead only for him to forget everything taught, after
the exams though having grades good enough to qualify him for next semester? What if Danjuma only reads about process engineering but have not been exposed
to the real world via internship and hands-on training? Chidinma would have
been stranded with her idea. Wouldn’t she?
be crazy about a Job when there is a possibility of you creating one? If
everyone has a mindset of looking for jobs, who then employs who?
idea is a treasure and must be treated as such. You may be on the verge of
creating jobs for a vast population whilst being a celebrated C.E.O!
The story communicates other morals such as –
positive associations, optimism, teamwork and some others. They weren’t emphasized
as they were not in line with the theme of my discussion.
hesitate to share this message with other Students and Graduates. You might
rekindle a creative blaze in somebody.